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GOZAKA is a graphic industry oriented to the satisfaction of our clients, offering printing solutions in conventional Offset, Digital Small and Large format, Digital and conventional flexography, prints and embroidery

We are committed to our continuous improvement in our processes, using the latest technology in innovation to offer a quick and timely response to our clients.

We have all the necessary controls to evaluate and certify the quality keeping the well-being of all interested parties.


GOZAKA’s code of ethic establishes a conduct that is based on fundamental values, which are compatible with our politics and standards, seeking to fulfill the obligations of service, loyalty and continuous improvement for the well-being of our employees and customers.

What is the Ethic Code?

The ethic code is the set of guidelines that must be carried out according to our professional development labor and work maintaining a transparent image of our activity within GOZAKA, safeguarding and protecting the rights customs and values of all employees.

Interest Conflict.

Our professional, personal, financial or any other interests should not interfere in a unique way, leaving without importance or validity the ones in our company.

Information management.

All GOZAKA employees must use all the non-public information provided to work in a reserved and confidential manner, without any personal benefit that may cause damage to GOZAKA.

Behavior towards our client.

The behavior towards our clients must always be sincere with impartiality, honesty and excellence, always focused on the objectives of growth and profitability of the company while maintaining an excellent quality treatment.

Our competitors.

With our competitors we must have a relationship that promotes loyalty, credibility and confidence, allowing to create a healthy competition environment while all the stablished requirements are met.

Our Suppliers.

Our supplier selection will be based on a technical decision that meets the needs of the companies, always supported by good performance to benefit our operational development.


Relations between Gozaka collaborators must be carried out under a sense of mutual respect, so as to ensure a harmonious and productive work environment without exceeding the permitted limits, always protected by the good customs that characterizes us.

Our Authorities.

Gozaka employees will give our Authorities ethical and adequate attention, complying with the respect they deserve in accordance with current legislation. In the same way, we will not promote any act that is considered corrupt. In your case, we will notify our immediate boss as soon as possible.

Our relationship with the environment.

All GOZAKA employees are compromised with the environment, so we will continuously try to reduce excessive energy consumption, eliminate water leaks, working on proper waste management, carrying out campaigns to encourage our colleagues to improve their communities, among others.


GOZAKA, S.A. is a company dedicated to the graphic industry, focused on innovation and diversification of productive processes, offering excellent delivery time and that includes inside their processes the best activities to reduce de environmental impact, and strategies to manage the energetic efficiency in a continuous and progressive manner, focused in using eco-friendly raw materials. Also, we assume a compromise to protect the environment, preventing pollution, using our resources in an environmentally sustainable manner, reducing the energy consumption and giving the best treatment and final disposition to the waste of our processes, also to meet the legal requirements and other requirements.



GOZAKA, se ha caracterizado desde sus inicios por buscar el bienestar de todos sus colaboradores y siguiendo esta premisa desde la Gerencia General, es que afirmamos nuestro compromiso para garantizar: el cumplimiento   de los requisitos legales, de nuestros clientes y  la realización de buenas prácticas organizacionales, en materia de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SST), así como en la identificación de las causas de los incidentes, los peligros, la evaluación de los riesgos laborales y la implementación de medidas preventivas que garanticen la eliminación o control de estos.


Utilizando como guía la norma ISO 45001:2018, GOZAKA se propone desarrollar su Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, en donde todos somos responsables y debemos adquirir el compromiso general, destinando tiempo, recursos y trabajo en equipo para avanzar en el desarrollo de una cultura preventiva en busca de nuestro bienestar común.

Gozaka SA Copyright © 2019. All rights reserved.

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